Implementasi Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Berbasis Community Development (Studi Tentang CSR PT Greenfields Indonesia di Desa Babadan Kecamatan Ngajum, Kabupaten Malang)


  • Ade Maulana Putra Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang


Abstract: Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Program (CSR) Based Community Development. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) by the company should make a positive contribution to the stakeholder. Companies generally carry out social responsibility known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). PT Greenfields Indonesia are well aware of it. During PT Greenfields Indonesia implement CSR programs as a form of their responsibility to the surrounding community. One is shaped CSR program partnerships with the community are realized through Community Development. This study seeks to analyze the implementation of CSR programs based Community Development and the factors driving and inhibiting program. Implementation of CSR undertaken by PT Greenfields Indonesia has been running well. It is seen from the high commitment to continue to make a positive contribution to society. So far the villagers of Kurt felt the impact of the CSR program. However, in practice there are several factors that affect the driving and inhibiting the implementation both from internal and external companies.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),  Cattle Farmer Partnership, Community Development


Abstrak: Implementasi Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Berbasis Community Development. Penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) oleh perusahaan haruslah memberikan kontribusi  positif terhadap stakeholder. Perusahaan umumnya melaksanakan bentuk   tanggung jawab sosial yang dikenal dengan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). PT Greenfields Indonesia, perusahaan yang beroperasi di bidang produksi susu sapi menyadari betul akan hal itu. Selama ini PT Greenfields Indonesia melaksanakan program CSR sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab mereka kepada masyarakat sekitar. Salah satunya adalah program CSR yang berbentuk kemitraan dengan masyarakat yang diwujudkan melalui Community Development. Penelitian ini berusaha menganalisis implementasi program CSR berbasis Community Development dan faktor  pendorong dan penghambat program. Pelaksanaan CSR yang dilakukan oleh PT Greenfields Indonesia sudah berjalan baik. Hal ini dilihat dari komitmen tinggi dari perusahaan untuk terus memberikan kontribusi positif bagi masyarakat. Sejauh ini masyarakat Desa Babadan merasakan dampak dari program CSR PT Greenfields Indonesia. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya ada beberapa faktor pendorong dan penghambat yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaannya baik itu yang berasal dari internal maupun eksternal perusahaan.




